The difference between power bank 1a and 2a
The difference between power bank 1a and 2a
| 2020-9-27 19:10:34
1A=1000mA. So the difference between 2A and 1A is that when the same charger is used to charge mobile phones with the same power, the charging time of 2A is faster than that of 1A.

At present, most mobile phones and mobile power supplies have relatively large power, and the current that they can withstand during charging is also relatively large, which can effectively shorten the charging time. And the output current of the charger is relatively large, which can reach 2.5A.

In this way, when the same charger uses 2A and 1A charging data lines, the 1A charging data line can only pass 1A current at most, while the 2A charging data line can meet the current of 2A, which is twice the 1A charging data line. The performance of the 2A charging data cable is stronger than that of the 1A, which can effectively increase the charging speed.
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